Fort Smith Regional Airport

Continent: North America Country: United States Region: Arkansas

Fort Smith Regional Airport
Location Fort Smith, Arkansas
Airport type Commercial
Overview map Google Maps
Tower 118.3
Ground 121.9
Clearance 133.85
Approach 120.9
ATIS 126.3

Serving as the main airport for the city of Fort Smith, the Fort Smith Regional Airport has been in existence for a long time. The 188th Fighter Wing has been stationed at Fort Smith since 1953. They currently operate A-10 Warthogs in Fort Smith. Fort Smith Regional Airport is also served by two airlines: American Eagle and Delta Connection.

Other Spotting Locations

There is a very good spotting location located next to Runway 7/25. It is located right next to the control tower. Just turn onto South 66th Street from Zero St and drive about a quarter mile. This offers a spectacular view of aircraft taking off and landing on runway 7/25. At least a 200mm lens is required for photography here. Any time of day is fine, since the sun is always behind this location. Make sure to bring a ladder, or stand on top of your car due to the fence.

Locations to Avoid

Opposite of runway 7/25, there is another spotting location. However, this location is terrible for photography due to the bad light.

Regular Traffic

American Eagle Embrear ERJ-135/145

Delta Connection Canadair CRJ-200